Why It Is So Important To Get Your Guttering Fixed Before Summer

Posted on: 7 October 2020


Summer is the season many Australians most look forward to and for good reason. The temperature is nice during the afternoon and evening and allows for a lot of social gatherings outside with beautiful vistas and plenty of activities to do. However, summer also brings unique challenges, especially when it comes to home maintenance. Nowhere is this more exemplified than with your home's guttering. Here are three reasons why you should ensure that your guttering is ready for the upcoming summer season.

Rainy Season

You might not realise this, but summer is actually designated as Australia's rainy season, even though many people forget the constant showers due to the high temperatures. The mix of these two elements (high temperatures and lots of rain) means that corrosion is accelerated, and it does not take much for old guttering to come completely loose in summer. If you have noticed leaky gutters in the recent past, then you could be in for a nasty surprise this summer. Once every few years, it is vital that you get your guttering examined to ensure that all is well and that you do not have a major structural failure during the upcoming rainy season.

Fire Hazard

Older guttering does not have a lot of protection when it comes to fire prevention, they are just simple metal pipes that lead to the ground level. The problem with this is that it is very simple for twigs, leaves and other flammable kindling to get stuck in your guttering and become a dangerous fire hazard. Modern guttering has done a lot to address this issue, including adding grates that prevent twigs and leaves from getting stuck in this area to begin with. If you want to protect your rural home from any encroaching fires, then one of the best things you can do is upgrade your guttering.


Home insurance covers a lot of problems but it does not always cover a major failure by your guttering that damages the rest of your house. Because guttering is so important for directing water away from your home. If it collapses (and old guttering is known to do this), it can cause major water damage to your facade and internal composition of your home. Don't get caught unaware, stay on top of maintaining your guttering and either check your insurance, get your guttering inspected or have it replaced by a professional guttering contractor before summer begins. 

For more information on guttering, reach out to a local roofer.