• Top Benefits of Flexible Pointing Compounds for Roof Repointing

    Most people will tell you that the health of their property depends on the state of the property's foundation. However, if you look at it from a roofer's point of view, a healthy roof is crucial to the stability of the rest of the house. It is especially the case if your home is older and the roof features cement mortar on its pointing. The reason is that cement cracks over time and the roof tiles tend to loosen or shift, thereby creating gaps.
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  • Mistakes That Newbie Roofers Should Avoid During Roof Restoring

    For homeowners, the roof is no longer just a functional piece — it has become an integral part of the house as far as aesthetics go. Therefore, the moment homeowners notice that something is off with their roof, they call a roofer immediately for roof restoration. As a rookie roofer, you need to make sure that your client's roof gets back to its original shape, if not better. However, there are a couple of mistakes that newbie roofers sometimes make during roof restoration.
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